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"Honey.. i've just got home, and read your letter.. You made me smile again:) you know.. at the beginning i was talking about her a lot of times as "the big love" of my life. Now.. It seems to be just a joke:) you ARE the big love, and will be the only one in my whole life."

"i just wanted to make you sure, that even now you ARE in my mind:)"

"inkább szenvedjünk előtte egy kicsit, minthogy kimaradjunk ebből az egészből..:) én nem bánom.. annál jobban fogjuk becsülni egymást:) bár nem tudom, hogy ennél jobban hogy lehet..:D"

"You are not just my girlfriend.. You are my life."

How could I not be in love with him?:) He's the best thing ever happened to me... I swear I will never leave you... ever:) I'm the luckiest girl in this world... without you, it'd be hell. Thank you for everything... I'm so stubborn that I can't believe I have changed because of you... but I did... and I am! I want you to be proud of me (I know you are, but...)... I know you in a way but I don't think that all you've ever dreamt of is a... well, a girl out of shape:D Yes, "it doesn't matter, I love you anyway"... but I want to deserve you and although I will never feel like I do, I want to get to it as close as possible. You'd think I'm crazy... yes, I am... for you:P (I know, I know...:D)
So... dear everyone, he's the love of my life!

© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat


© Napfolt Kft. - Médiaajánlat