Az én oldalam - Naplóm

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Your heart is hard and inpentitrable.You have no feelings for anyone else but yourself and a few close friends.Having your trust is hard,but not as hard as keeping it.Once your fully trusted your friend you are surportive and caring.

Your Evanescence song is: Bring me to Life
You have been so alone in this world for such a long time, your emotional level is very low. You live in the darkness in your life and mind, and feel helpless about your whole situation. People rarely understand you or why you act like you do. But then there is this person in your life that changes things. He/she understands you and makes you feel alive again. He/she is your ray of hope in your otherwise so dark life.
Now that I know what I'm without
you can't just leave me

Life is great. Smiling is your way of living and you always try to cheer your friends up. When serious times come, you rather solve it as painless as possible. You may fear the darkness since you don't want anyone you know or yourself to be unhappy. Still, so far your life hasn't been that bad, maybe you'll get really lucky?
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