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My Heroe

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My Heroe

David Charles Purley (26 January 1945 - 2 July 1985) was a British racing driver born in Bognor Regis, West Sussex. He participated in 11 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix, debuting on 3 June 1973. He scored no championship points.

Purley will always be remembered for his actions during the 1973 Dutch Grand Prix, where he abandoned his race in an attempt to save the life of Roger Williamson, whose car was upside down on fire following a horrific accident. Sadly his valiant efforts were to no avail as he received no help from the nearby track marshals, and Williamson perished in the fire. A picture taken by photographer Cor Mooij of Purley's anguished face, after it was clear his attempts had failed, won the Sports category of that year's World Press Photo. That same year David Purley was awarded the George Medal for his rescue attempt.

<Through his tears he said, "I just couldn't turn it over. I could see he was alive and I could hear him shouting, but I couldn't get the car over. I was trying to get people to help me, and if I could have turned the car over he would have been alright, we could have got him out.">

Later, when the immediate grief had receded, he admitted, "I didn't even think about the heroism or any of that rubbish. I just did what comes naturally to a trained soldier who sees a fellow in trouble."
Following his decision to quit motorsport, David Purley moved into competition aerobatics. He died on 2 July 1985 when his Pitts Special aerobatic biplane crashed into the sea off Bognor Regis.

This is the story of a man I am remembering always with highest respect, a story of tragedy, death and terrible defeats at the limits of human life.

'Everything is sweetened by risk'


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