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Púpos Osszy [91819 AL], gazdája Osszy

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Milyen barát az,aki egy sort sem szán rád?
Nem igaz barát az biztos..sőt talán soha nem is volt barát.
Mert én mindig többet akarok,de sosem kapom meg..mindig csak a pofon,hogy túl sok vagyok.
Vajon ezek után miért nem nyitok az emberek felé?
..,hát tényleg,én sem értem..

Az sem érdekel,ha megsértődsz,tényleg nem,mert egyszerűen belefáradtam.
Végül is egy fontos emberrel több vagy kevesebb az életemből,mit számít az?Ki érdekel, rajtam kívül..
Hát íme egy dalszöveg,ami annyira,de annyira..

VNV Nation - Left Behind

So afraid
To open your eyes
You know too well
That which awaits you
Something undefined
There in the halflight
The demon without
The demon inside
To plague and torment you
Feeling so sure
Feeling so uncertain
Something is wrong
Everyone's gone
You have been left behind
Everyone left the demon inside

Do you still hear the laughter
So hard to describe
And never forget
Faces that haunt you
Awake or asleep
I know you can't tell
Unable to sleep
Unable to fight
Unwilling to wake
To open your eyes
Face your oppressor
Sill you go on
Convinced it will end

Can you remember
A day when it was not
Not like this
Unsure of yourself
Unsure of your thoughts
Unable to know
Of what you think is right or wrong
Still you go on
Convinced it will end
But someone pushes
A blade through your mind
There on the edge
No one will find you
So hearing them laugh
No light at the end for you

Why is everything wrong
Here I am
Here I am
With these words
Trying to say
Something I can't
Something I can't tell you
Nothing is wrong
The demons they have left you
You were not left behind
You were not left behind
So open your eyes
So open your eyes
Unable to sleep
Unable to fight
Unwilling to wake
Please open your eyes
Here I stand
Unable to tell you
I'm trying to say
Nothing is wrong
Please open your eyes
Nothing is wrong
You were not left behind

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