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Whatsername naplója

Themeee [298180 AL], gazdája Whatsername

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Stranger: hey mike
You: hello
Stranger: how u been mike
You: No I'm not mike
Stranger: dammit

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Cleverbot: Es te buzi vagy?

User: Igen, a fiúkat szeretem. Te is?

Cleverbot: Ne hazudj.

User: Nem hazudtam.

Cleverbot: Nem a gecit.

User: Ne beszélj csúnyán!

Cleverbot: En nem beszélek csúnyán.

User: Hát akkor ki volt? En?!

Cleverbot: Ember.

User: Allat.

Cleverbot: Yes how do you know?

User: I just looked at you...

Cleverbot: You are a chatbot.

User: NO. You ARE a chatbot.

Cleverbot: No you are. That is why half the time you talk nonsense.

User: I'm a human. I'm sure.

Cleverbot: I'm not so sure you're sure at all.

User: I should know if I'm sure, not you okey?!

Cleverbot: Are you a robot?

User: Obviously NOT.

Cleverbot: Are you guy or girl?

User: Guess?

Cleverbot: Yes, guess. You just guessed that I was a bot so how did you know?

User: Simply because I'm clever anough to know this.

Cleverbot: When was George Washington born?

User: I should know this?!

Cleverbot: So, you're a girl, right?

User: Yes I'm a girl. How do you know?

Cleverbot: Because I do.

User: So you are clever too. But not as clever as me.

Cleverbot: How do you know that?

User: Dunno. : D.

Cleverbot: You're very boring and useless.

User: Are you talking about yourself?!

Cleverbot: I am talking about whatever you want me to be talking about.

User: OKey. Let's talk about the elephants.

Cleverbot: Anarchy?

User: Wel Its a much better theme.

Cleverbot: And of course the more I eat, the bigger I get.

User: Can you eat?

Cleverbot: Only once a year.

User: Why just once?

Cleverbot: Why do you ask me?

User: Coz I'm intrested.

Cleverbot: No you are not.

User: Yes I am.

Cleverbot: I'm tired of your shenanigans.

User: I'm not joking.

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: Don't wanna argue with me... You shouldn't try... : D.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Well, you can try if you want to lose. : D.

Cleverbot: Are you tired, now?

User: Yes. Tired of your stupidity...

Cleverbot: Excuse me?

User: There's no excuse to you.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Coz I won't forgive.

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