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Csak mert tetszenek:D
"Sometimes the things we can't change changing us!"
"Everything happens for a reason"
"Stupid cupid... stop pickin on me!":P
"Love is blind. I know, because you don't see me!":DD
"When you feel alone, just think of a female salmon who lays 3 million eggs, but nobody remembers her on Mother's day..":DD
"I'm not afraid of love; i'm afraid of not being love back"
"We were given 2 hands to hold. 2 legs to walk. 2 eyes to see & 2 ears to listen. But why only 1 heart? Because the other 1 was given to someone else - we just have to find it":)
"If you could change just 1 thing about your life - would you ? And if you did, would that change make your life better or worse ? "
"Here's my philosophy on dating. It's important to have somebody that can make you laugh, somebody you can trust, somebody who loves you... And it's really, really important that these three people don't know each other!":P:P:P
"I don't understand why my heart doesn't do what my mind tells it to"
"Love is like the wind - you can't see it but you can feel it"
"He gave her 14 roses; 13 real & 1 fake.
He said: i will love you until the last one dies!"
"Friends: just a seven letter word but i can't live seven seconds without them":$
"In 3 words I can explain what I've learned about life: it goes on."
"Heaven isn't a place that you go when you die - it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive."
"Relationships are like glass: sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together"
"If you want it, go & get it because you only have one life to live" "I used to wonder why God created you but then I realised even God makes mistakes":D:D
"Friends are the rainbows in the storm of the life"
"Smile! It's easier than explaining why you're crying"
"All the magic's gone, there's just a shadow of a memory"
"Stop the World! I wanna get off!":D
"To fall is not to fail, you fail when you don't try!"
"Love isn't finding the perfect person - it's seeing an ordinary person perfectly ..."
"What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger ..."
"Just because I don't like to fight, doesn't mean that I can't"
"Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?":P
"Come to the dark side, we have cookies.":))))
"We can't call people angels without wings, so we call them friends"
"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly. I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky"

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